Tal Shiar Headquarters Late Era Ships
Seahawk-A Frigate (SEA 80 bpv): The Romulans seem unique in making a new frigate in the late era, where everyone else was either using refitted ones or just abandoning them altogether. In SFB history, this ship wasn't used much, but in SFC this is a very good frigate. It has better than usual power for a frigate, and also good shields. Picture a smaller sized Skyhawk and that is the Seahawk. As with most/all new-series ships, fly this with the "New" tactics, not the old "Cloak and hide" strategies. Seahawk-L Frigate Leader (SEL 90): Well, it's a beefed-up Seahawk. Added shields, another Plasma, and engine power make this a winner, if you can get it. KR F5 Frigate Leader Refit (K5LB 108): Umm, this is the same thing as the K5L! Except for the slightly wider Pl-G arcs, but
that's it.
Skyhawk-L War Destroyer Leader (SKL 122): This is to the Skyhawk what the SEL was to the Seahawk. Added shields, power, a Pl-G. It's all good, but the BPV is a little high when you could get a SPA for about the same in a multiplayer battle. KR F6 "Frignought" (KFR 120): Same plasma as the SKL, and some slightly different phasers. The weird thing is that it has a higher move cost (.67) and higher energy (30). So it's more like a little War Cruiser than a War Destroyer Leader. Not bad, but I would recommend a real War/Light Cruiser. Sparrowhawk-A Light/War Cruiser Refit (SPA+ 138): Everything the Sparrowhawk was, this is better. The Pl-G is now upgraded to Pl-S and is now given a wider 180-degree arc. Also, the rear shields are strengthened. This is a great choice for a late-era light cruiser. Sparrowhawk-L Light Command Cruiser (SPL 132): This is the same ship as the original SPA, for more BPV! Actually, I think
there is more crew and command facilities, but I still can't figure out if Command facilities do anything in SFC...besides
limiting only 1 Command ship per fleet. I think the hull is actually weaker on the SPL than the SPA anyways, so just take
the SPA or SPA+.
Sparrowhawk-L Light Command Cruiser Refit (SPL+ 142): You get the same refit that the SPA got when it turned into a SPA+. Except this time, you actually get 2 more ph-3, which actually makes this ship different from the Sparrowhawk-A+. They are side-mounted and useful in defense or overruns. Take this, not the original SPL. KR D5 War Cruiser (KDR 137): This conversion of the D5 is your alternate choice for a light cruiser instead of the SPA+ or SPL+. Great shields. Again, it's all a matter of opinion. Try flying both and see which one you like better, because they are both good ships. KR D7C Cruiser Refit (KRCS 181): Same as KRC, but with Plasma S. Alright, it's good, but why fly this when you could be in a Hawk-series Heavy Cruiser (Firehawk, etc.), which are faster? Firehawk-A Heavy Cruiser (FHA 174): This ship and its followers are bigger versions of the Sparrowhawk series I rambled on
about. Again, they are very good at the Plasma Ballet. The Firehawk is a fast ship with 40 power and can do some crazy things.
Firehawk-K Heavy Cruiser (FHK 179): Okay, same as the FHA but with 7 ph-1 instead of 5. Note: you don't get the extra power to run them so it's not a free ride. Regalhawk-K Heavy Cruiser (RGK 179): This is the exact same thing as the FHK, except the 2 Plasma-S have been replaced by 1 Plasma-R. I'd still pick the Firehawk because the 2 Pl-S are easier to Ballet with (better arc, you can fire them separately). Novahawk-K Command Cruiser (NHK 192): Same as FHK, but this time, you DO get the power to arm the added phasers (42 power). My personal favorite Heavy Cruiser, this won't let you down. Royalhawk-K Command Cruiser (RHK 192): Same thing as NHK, but with 1 Pl-R instead of 2 Pl-S. Blah blah, see what I said for the Regalhawk-K. KR C7 Heavy Battlecruiser (KCR 215): Nice ship here. You get the fun of the Pl-D's and a kickass Phaser array. Good power too. Killerhawk Super-Heavy Cruiser (KHK 224): Oh damn what a ship. Sure, put a Dreadnought sized plasma bank on a Heavy Cruiser.
While you're at it, give it awesome shields and 50 power, while still keeping the cruiser move cost of 1.00. Talk about cheap.
Yes it is very good, but it is damned cheap. I've heard that in SFB, this ship has "shock value" because they put
so many weapons on a little hull. But in SFC it doesn't have that limitation, and this ship is what people call "cheeze."
KR C9 Dreadnought (K9R 250): I don't really like this ship. It has weaker Plasma, shields, and engines than the Condor, which came before it! The ship model graphics are cool though... KR C9 Dreadnought Refit (K9RB 269): The rear shields on the K9R are strengthened, and the Plasma G's upped to Plasma S's. Stick with the Condor still, though, or the CON+. KR Heavy Dreadnought (K9RH 283): This is just the same as the K9RB, with more Ph-1 and engine power. For about the same price, though I would recommend the PRA dreadnought, which is faster. Condor Dreadnought Refit (CON+ 246): Same as the original, with 2 added Pl-F and some ph-3. They didn't add power, but since the F's don't have a holding cost you don't really need any more, just as long as you don't fire them all the time. I would recommend this over the K9R series because it's more efficient, but maybe I just don't like the Knobhead conversions. Praetor Heavy Dreadnought (PRA 285): Yeah, very nice. It is a heavier CON+, with a powerful phaser suite (we Roms were never too great with phasers) and more power. More power! 65 now, better than most if not all other DNs. Romulan Optimized Condor (ROC 266): A CON+ with a little better shields. It's not as fast as the PRA, but cheaper, if you
like that sort of thing.
KR B10 Battleship (K10R 399): It's a battleship. Not much I can say about it, except that it's got lots of guns and shields. Keep in mind that your power curve in these things isn't good enough to charge all your plasma and run like speed 29. So Ballet isn't as good in battleships. On the other hand, you're in a BB, don't use subtle tactics! Run them over! King Condor Battleship (KCN 417): Very similar to the K10R, but you do get a nice Plasma-S facing the 180-degree rear arc of your ship. Both of the Battleships are very powerful compared to some other races BB's. Somehow, 8x photon or disruptor doesn't compare to this kind of Plasma power. Fly them well. |