
As a Romulan captain you have many tactics available to you. This is because of the versitility of our superior vessels, and
also the differences between the Old series, KR series, and New series of ships, which all operate differently.
CLOAK AND SHOOT: This is the first tactic which you learned at the Academy. It is simple. Charge your weapons while you are
cloaked, then decloak and fire. Use pseudos to make the enemy waste a Wild Weasel on a fake torpedo.
-I don't really advise using this against anyone but the AI. In multiplayer, you won't be able to fast enough to keep
with your wingmen, and you'll be a sitting duck. The enemy human players will stay on top of you and slowly kill your shields
with their phasers, or they can flashcube you with t-bombs or ESG. However, cloaking can still be useful against humans. See
"Tactical cloaking."
-Old Series ships are best for this tactic. Mainly because they can't do anything else :). They have the lowest cloak
cost, and their weapons are all pointing forwards anyways.
THE YO-YO: This is a cloaking trick, where you decloak, just for a second, and then cloak again (basically, double click
the Cloak button). Be sure not to decloak completely, but just be in that "transition phase." This can be useful
because enemies might launch all their weapons at you during this time. When you cloak up again, drones and plasmas will do
much less damage to you when they hit. Then, when the enemy is recharging, decloak for real and hit them.
TACTICAL CLOAKING: If you are going slow and can't run out of the way of enemy drones or plasma torpedoes, cloak! If you
do it enough ahead of time, the missiles will disappear and the plasmas will do much less damage, if any.
This can also be useful if are going fast and have high-speed (32) drones following you. You don't want to use up the
phasers on them, so if the drones and the enemy are far enough away (like 200,000 km), just cloak. The drones will lose your
lock-on and disappear.
GORN ANCHOR: As long as you tractor an enemy ship, they can't launch a Wild Weasel. So tractor, then fire all plasmas
and phasers. It's as simple as that. The trick to avoiding damage as you approach is to close in obliquely, after they fire
their weapons. That way, you won't take much damage and will probably cripple them.
Be careful of the human player who will weasel before you enter tractor range. If they do this, you can't tractor them
because they have the WW out. Just fly over them (overrun) and pound them with all your phasers. Drop a Nuclear Space Mine
while you're at it. If they shoot back, you can just fire your plasma into them, because the WW is voided.
Note: A little-known secret among us Tal Shiar agents is that the "Gorn Anchor" is not "Gorn" at all.
A group of our operatives once commandeered a Gorn cruiser and invented the tactic, using it to great effect against our blood-traitors,
the Tal Praiex. They only thought the Gorn were flying...
PLASMA BALLET: Basically, go fast (25+) and fire your plasmas at them. Fire the torpedoes at range 10-15. If they are
chasing you, they will run into the torpedoes. Don't shoot if they are running away, or the torp won't catch them. You want
to fire when they are going towards you.
-In this tactic you want to be far away. Going fast will help you do that. Also, as you fire the plasma torpedoes, fire
obliquely, so you can turn away quicker. If your plasma has an FH arc (180 degrees fore), fire at the enemy when you away
flying sideways to them, no straight on. Again, you will turn away quicker, keeping the range open, and not take much damage.
-Have 1 point into ECM so that ph-1s, photons, disruptors, etc. will not hit as much or do as much damage. 1 point of
energy makes a huge difference.
-A wise Romulan fires one plasma at a time. This way, the enemy's Wild Weasels won't be as effective, and you can fire
a plasma every turn or so, rather than one big volley every 3 turns. The enemy won't be able to close in, either, because
you will always have 1 plasma almost charged.
-If you're using a New-series ship that has 2 Pl-F and 1 or 2 Pl-S, always keep 1 Plasma F charged. They don't have a
holding cost, so you will move faster, and will have a weapon to use if they decide to chase you.
-Keep you phaser capacitor at 0% to 15%. Phasers aren't your primary weapons with this strategy. When you're dancing around
at Range 15-20, they will be a waste of power to charge, compared to the damage they do. If the enemy does point a downed
shield at you, fire your ph-1's, but otherwise, don't. To recharge your phasers, wait until the enemy is far away (around
30) and charge at 100% for a turn. Then speed back up.
-I advise AGAINST downloading your Plasma-G's to "2 turn F's." This is because with the Ballet, you're bopping
around at range 15 or so. At range 15, a Pl-G does 15 damage. At range 15, a Pl-F does 1 damage. Big difference.
-The Klingon-type ships and New Series Romulan ships work best for this tactic. They are fast, and the plasma arcs are
wide, and to the side. This lets you do those oblique attacks.
THE SIEGE ATTACK: Sometimes, your opponent will Starcastle. They usually set speed to 0 and put their power to shield
reinforcement. To kill their defenses, set one Plasma-S launcher to "Normal" and the other to "Enveloping."
If they are using specific reinforcement, the enveloping torpedo will hurt the other 5 shields. And if they are using general
reinforcement, the normal torpedo will crash through the shield it hits.
This attack is best used with FH heavy plasma arcs (like Firehawk). You can go speed 31.0, fire a plasma at range 10.0
and peel away quick. If they fire plasma back at you, you'll outrun it if you aren't going in too steep. Randomly switch when
you fire your "Normal" and "Enveloping" torps so you stay unpredictable.
Check out that links page! The tactics here are just a general description, but other sites have in-depth tactics.

